Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Super Heroine / Villainess Costumes

I had a dream last night and I woke up with a question on my mind I have had for ages. How does Wonder Woman's bathing suit stay on? It has no straps and she is rather, well, voluptuous. Is it one of her super powers? I mean look at her...
And how does she run so fast in those high-heeled boots? I've tried running in heels and while I don't run all that fast to begin with I am remarkably slower in heels!

So I got to looking at other characters.
Bat Woman:
Again with the heels. And wouldn't a cape get in the way while you are fighting?

Hmm. Super Girl?
Well, at least she has flat heeled boots, but a miniskirt and crop top? Seriously? Don't reach too high or kick anything! And the same thing with the cape. How do you fight without that thing getting in the way?

Well, maybe villainesses
Poison Ivy was always a favorite of mine, but check this out....

Again, no straps.

Okay, Harley Quinn...
Actually, not bad. Flat shoes, no cape, nothing's going to fall down.  But all that make-up! She starts sweating and it runs into her eyes and she's all done! Plus all these women have long hair, or in Harley's case long dangely things that someone could grab and pull in close combat.

All I have left is Cat Woman.
Hmmm, now here is a good costume! Flat heels, costume that won't fall off, hair out of the way and no cape!  Good on ya Salena Kyle!


Lourie said...

I am thinking Wonder Woman's suit is part of her. How else could it defy gravity? Oh you mean for realsies? Glue. Seriously. My BF had to be glued into her wedding gown.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkinbg that it IS your imagination !!! and that keeps things up, out and in place no matter where... hang on, the ride or flight may be rough. LOVE Papa and G'ma

Amy said...

Sadly anything is possible when they are not real! Hollywood and cartoonist can make anything happen! but you are right they are all VERY impractical!

Make Me wonder what you were dreaming about to make youwonder these things ;o)