Monday, March 7, 2011

A Friday Confessional on Monday


I Confess:

I hate it when everybody in the household expects me to know where everything is.

I hate it when my Darling Husband uses my things not for their intended purpose.  The cooling rack is not for cooking bacon on, the rolling pin is not a meat tenderizer, my bath puff is not for cleaning the shower.

I have a rich fantasy life about winning lots of money, and I would blow it all on maid service.

My children are far more beautiful and charming than yours. But don't be offended they are more beautiful and charming than ANY other children.

Laundry is a work of evil.

But the most important thing you should know about me is, as a wife and mother of a mostly happy household, I am living my dream.  And I never thought I would.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's wrong with using the cooling rack to keep the bacon out of the grease? What's wrong with using your abrasive "puff" to clean the shower with. It removes the soap scum very nicely. Don't forget about the pairing knife to open boxes and letters! By-the-way, I love you.