Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Confession Again!


I confess:

I only have one confession this week. My son is turning eight on Monday. I am so proud of him! He is strong, smart, vibrant and funny. He has a temper and is full of love. He loves camouflage and horses, squeaky cheese and riding bikes. He is convinced if he does something wrong the first time he has failed and will never be able to accomplish it. He is *this close* to doing a perfect handstand because Daddy FINALLY convinced him to keep practicing and he would get it. He is amazing at math but is a sloppy reader. He has the worlds cutest freckles and a smile that will light up a room.  He sings beautifully and dances well (but don't tell him that. Dancing is for girls!). He hates sour cream but loves broccoli. He'd eat candy 'till he puked if I'd let him. He loves all animals, but Simon is his kitty. Tana is annoying but don't you DARE do anything to hurt her, he'll protect her to his last breath he loves her so much! He is tenderhearted and kind. He loves small children. He's silly, sweet and totally outrageous. I love him more than I ever thought I could possibly love and I am so blessed to have him for my son!


VandyJ said...

Happy Birthday! My oldest turns eight the 25th. And he is also great at math but no so much the reading. Love camouflage, video games and would eat candy until he bursts too.
Love those May boys!

Amber said...

What a sweet tribute! Happy, happy birthday!

Hope you guys have an amazing weekend!

Mamarazzi said...

what a doll and what a sweet tribute to your handsome little man. 8 wow, thats a big one!

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday! It's great to be able to blog about being a proud mom!

Amanda said...

Awww...I can feel your love and pride all the way here. :)

He is convinced if he does something wrong the first time he has failed and will never be able to accomplish it.

Mine is the same way. He's 10 now and it's slowly getting better.

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday!! He sure is a handsome little man!!
Have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Eight has been such a fun age for us! Enjoy this time! My daughter turns 9 in less than a month and I'm realizing more and more how hard it is to keep her little! It seems like she's done more growing in this past year than all the others combined!

Your son's a cutie, by the way! :o)