Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cute! Cute! Cute!

I was able to meet Jacob and his new family today. Jacob is the little baby from my last post. And he lives about a block away from us. He is ADORABLE! He is also about the size of Tana. I guess he was close to 10 pounds when he was born. He has the chubbiest cheeks I have ever seen on a newborn.

The mom made a comment that really made me think about God's hand in all this. She said that they had been trying to adopt through another agency for about 2 1/2 years, they had just sent in the paperwork to continue on. She said that she told her husband they weren't going to get their baby this way, but rather that they would get a call out of the blue that someone knew someone who knew someone else. I smiled because when I first got the phone call I felt a strong feeling that I needed to call Calleen. Now Calleen has four children of her own and I KNEW she and her husband didn't want to adopt, but I called her anyway. Now sweet baby Jacob is where he belongs and I KNOW God's hand was in it.


Anonymous said...

Oh Tara... oh so touching. Now you really know that God's hand does keep us. So precious. LOVE Papa and G'ma

Heather Shepherd said...

AMEN! When Callene told me the whole story after I mentioned your blog, I cried!

Amy said...

Very true. I thought the same thing.