Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Did Not Panic

I was emptying the dishwasher the other day and as I finished up I realized the living room was very quiet.  When I went in there Ian was playing a video game, but Tana was no where to be found.  I asked Ian where Tana was. He said he did not know. I did not panic. I called her name a few times. No response. I did NOT panic. I looked in her room. No Tana. I DID NOT PANIC. I checked Ian's room. Not there either.  I DID NOT PANIC! I checked my room and found this....


Wrena said...

Sweet! My sister would do this too. I was 10 when she came along and it would sure rattle Mom, till she caught on... Sister would climb into her crib and crash. :D One time Mom thought we hid her. That was offal!

Amy said...

very cute!
She was fine she had a gaurdian dog with her ;o)
I would have paniced tho!

Anonymous said...

Very wise gal and knows her ins and outs. Glad that Delani could keep you Not in a panic and one of Tana's gardian angles. LOVE Papa and G'ma