Monday, July 28, 2008


So on Tuesday July 22, we had a hailstorm that pretty much devastated our garden. I would have mentioned the whole thing sooner, but it took me this long to get the pictures downloaded.
I was actually driving home when it hit. It was hailing so hard I couldn't see the houses on the side of the road, all I could see were the tail lights of the car in front of me.

I took some of these pictures when I got home, and Brian took the rest.

This is what our deck looked like.

Our strawberries are gone!

These used to be beautiful flowers, geraniums and such.

Our Sunflowers, tomatoes and potatoes were flattened.

The leaves and vines to our giant pumpkin plant (Yes, that was all one plant.) were shredded.
They even have divots in them because the hail was coming down so hard.

The one remaining light in our front yard got flattened too!

On the up side, the cars windshield did not break as I was driving (and fervently praying it would remain intact). Our basement did not flood. Our fence remained standing, and, with the exception of a few plants, we sustained no bodily harm or loss of life. So I'd say we did okay.

1 comment:

Wrena said...

wow we never even got a drop of rain that day. sorry to hear about your fruits and veggies!